Tropical Heat Wave
Buckeye Candy Kisses
Ek-Preskrasnaia Kreolka
Mary Craig
Buckeye New Dawn
Optimera myDelight
Rapsodie Joan
First African Violet Society of Dallas (FAVSD) was founded in 1954. As the name implies, we were the first club dedicated to growing of Saintpaulia (African Violet) in Dallas, Texas. There have been tremendous changes in the understanding of how to best attend to these wonderful plants over the sixty plus years.
Ace of Clubs
Definitely Darryl
Losos’ Domashnii
Cajon’s Slow Dance
Lyon’s Sassy Sadie
Buckeye Nostalgia
Sweet Affair
The purpose of our society is to educate our members on the best practices of cultivating and grooming African violets. As great pleasure and pride can be had from the successful growing of these wonderful little beauties, we are happy to share the insight that our combined years of experience has brought us.
Circus Fascination
Cajun’s Coujon
Jersey Snow Flakes
Opera’s Il Straniero
Rapsodie Ingrid
Buckeye Cranberry Sparker
We encourage our member to join the African Violet Society of America (AVSA). This organization sponsors conventions, workshops and judged shows. They also publish a magazine that is a treasure chest of information for the serious or casual grower. The magazine also contains connections to all things African Violet.
The Lone Star African Violet Council (LSAVC) mirrors the AVSA at a state level with conventions, workshops and a newsletter.